Business Builder Activities – the MLMers guide to attempt to lure sales

So... A faithful reader of mine reached out to let me know about something they had seen on social media. Of course, I couldn’t resist when they told me they were happy for me to post it on my blog. We all know the annoying, spammy, underhanded tactics used by MLMs to try and lure... Continue Reading →

The Feed: Multi-level marketing or pyramid scheme?

Last night in Australia, the SBS Vice show The Feed did an electric piece on multilevel marketing schemes in Australia. This is a review of the episode and some of my own musings. Sun, surf, sand. The iconic Gold Coast region of Queensland, Australia is the backdrop of this episode and has been part of... Continue Reading →

New series planned!

Hi antimlmers! I've started working on a series that relates to the supplement industry, specifically the legitimacy and effect of these supplements. I have a specific focus on MLM supplements, and supplements that are having an impact on workplace drug and alcohol testing. I've also made a post on reddit seeking any information, but I... Continue Reading →

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